Revolutionizing Education with AI: A Personal Journey Back to the Classroom

After spending six years working with Microsoft Philanthropies and a decade away from teaching, I've recently made my return to the classroom, and the landscape of education has dramatically transformed. My journey back into teaching is significantly empowered by artificial intelligence (AI), a tool that is revolutionizing education in ways I could have never imagined.

AI has become a cornerstone of my teaching methodology, enhancing not just my capacity to manage administrative tasks but also in curriculum development, student support, and personalized learning experiences. Each week, I discover new ways to integrate AI into my classroom, making the teaching and learning process more efficient and effective.

One of the most transformative experiences for me was taking the Harvard CS50 Python course. This opportunity allowed me to incorporate AI to create a scaffolding system that supports three levels of students, enabling them to learn at their own pace, almost instantaneously. This level of customization and flexibility in learning is unprecedented in my teaching career.

Moreover, utilizing AI tools such as GPT to analyze video scripts has been a breakthrough in enhancing student understanding. By generating check-for-understanding questions that are timestamped alongside the video content, I can offer a more interactive and engaging learning experience. Additionally, the ability to create guided notes and assessments on-the-fly based on the video content has been a game changer. This not only saves time but also ensures that the assessments are tailored to the students' learning progress, making the feedback loop much quicker and more relevant.

Looking forward, I am excited about the potential to iterate on these lessons annually. With AI, I can dive deeper into understanding how students are absorbing material, identify gaps in their knowledge instantly, and tailor the curriculum to meet their needs more effectively. This iterative process promises a future where education is not only more personalized but also more adaptive to the evolving needs of students.

My return to the classroom, armed with new skills and insights gained from my time in the technology sector, has profoundly enhanced my teaching approach. AI is not just a tool for administrative efficiency; it's a catalyst for educational transformation, enabling a level of personalized learning that was once thought to be the realm of science fiction. As I continue to explore and integrate AI into my teaching, I remain committed to inspiring my students to embrace technology and innovation, preparing them for a future where these tools will undoubtedly play a significant role in their lives and careers.


Belonging in Computer Science education